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Helping You Heal and Live Healthy
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Digestive Health

Digest Health Lessons

While the Gluten Intolerance School isn't a recipe site, I can't help but share some of my favorites. I try to mix up my recipes, from creative dishes to practical, affordable dishes, from health-minded healing foods to sumptuous desserts meant to soothe your soul. I hope you find something you enjoy!

Digest Health Lessons
While the Gluten Intolerance School isn't a recipe site, I can't help but share some of my favorites. I try to mix up my recipes, from creative dishes to practical, affordable dishes, from health-minded healing foods to sumptuous desserts meant to soothe your soul. I hope you find something you enjoy!

Foods For Constipation

While this isn’t always the case, constipation is often triggered by food and lifestyle choices. This means you may also be able to find relief from constipation by making some simple changes to your diet. By incorporating these foods for constipation into your diet and decreasing these foods that can trigger constipation, you may be able to find relief for constipation in your own kitchen.

Read more of Foods For Constipation

Celiac Disease Constipation

Among the most common gluten intolerance symptoms is either diarrhea or constipation along with gas and bloating. Besides being uncomfortable celiac disease constipation isn’t a healthy condition to have for too long. Knowing how to treat this constipation by following a proper diet and eating more of the best foods for constipation can give you a great deal of relief and improve your health.

Read more of Celiac Disease Constipation

Does Early Vitamin D Deficiency and Intestinal Flora Cause Celiac Disease?

While the only medically accepted treatment for celiac disease is to follow a strict gluten-free diet, new research suggests there are a variety of origins of this condition. Because of this it is important to consider additional or supplemental ways to help treat this condition, and to help rebuild a body damaged by years of consuming gluten.

Read more of Does Early Vitamin D Deficiency and Intestinal Flora Cause Celiac Disease?