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Helping You Heal and Live Healthy
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Gluten Intolerance Blog

My blog will provide an area for me to share random and personal thoughts to things related to gluten, health, nutrition, personal growth, and general wellness. These posts will exist separate from the core lesson or recipe areas of the Gluten Intolerance School.

Gluten Intolerance Blog
My blog will provide an area for me to share random and personal thoughts to things related to gluten, health, nutrition, personal growth, and general wellness. These posts will exist separate from the core lesson or recipe areas of the Gluten Intolerance School.

Recent Additions

Fight the Fad: 3 Common Gluten Intolerance Misconceptions

The gluten-free diet is everywhere. Celebrities promote or attack it, comedians make fun of it, television shows either add token gluten-free characters or just poke fun at it, newspapers and blogs everywhere debate and…
Fight the Fad: 3 Common Gluten Intolerance Misconceptions

Four Different Types Of Celiac Disease?

Did you know that celiac researchers now believe there are four different types of celiac disease? I find this a little odd because I know of at least one more serious one — non-responsive celiac disease.
Four Different Types Of Celiac Disease?

Did John F. Kennedy Have Celiac Disease?

John F. Kennedy and celiac disease may seem like incongruous topics, but it appears there may have been a strong connection. Did you know many historians and medical researchers believe former United States…
Did John F. Kennedy Have Celiac Disease?

To Screen Or Not To Screen: New Finnish Study Supports Screening For Celiac Disease

Many progressive-minded celiac disease researchers have encouraged serological screening for celiac disease in high risk individuals. In other words, they would like to use blood tests to screen people who have family members diagnosed with celiac disease, even if those people aren’t experiencing any symptoms. This has been somewhat controversial because the evidence is mixed on whether or not there are benefits to diagnosing and …
To Screen Or Not To Screen: New Finnish Study Supports Screening For Celiac Disease

Is Celiac Disease Risk Influenced By Season of Birth?

Because we don’t yet know what triggers someone genetically predisposed to celiac disease to actually manifest the disease, I’m fascinated with any study that tries to isolate the different potential variables involved. A study conducted by the Massachusetts General Hospital for Children and published in the Journal of Pediatrics suggests that children born in the Spring or Summer are more likely to develop celiac disease …
Is Celiac Disease Risk Influenced By Season of Birth?

Accidental Controversy: The Gluten Allergy Myth

On the Today show a little while ago — for anyone who doesn’t know, the Today show is a popular morning news show in the United States — they covered a number of health fads and health myths. You can view the segment online and read a summary of it here: Allergy Myths Busted In particular, they dispelled the “myth” of the gluten allergy. This …
Accidental Controversy: The Gluten Allergy Myth

Funny What Is Gluten Video

I hope I don’t offend anyone by including a snarky comedy video in the Gluten Intolerance School. It provides some important perspective on how our cause is so easily marginalized by misinformation. Watch how little most people understand gluten, then discover how you can make sure you know better.
Funny What Is Gluten Video

Early Celiac Disease Blood Test Now Obsolete

A reader recently asked about a blood test her doctor ordered about ten years ago. Discover what formerly common celiac disease blood test is now obsolete.
Early Celiac Disease Blood Test Now Obsolete

Gluten-Free Thanksgiving 2013

Are you worried gluten might ruin the warmth and camaraderie of the holiday season? If so, I’ve got some Gluten-Free Thanksgiving recipe lists and a few handy resources to help you through the holiday season. I appreciate many of you won’t have a friendly environment for gluten-free eating in the coming days. In this post you’ll find a few useful tips for surviving this holiday with as little distraction and discomfort as possible.
Gluten-Free Thanksgiving 2013

FDA Sets Official Standard For Gluten-Free Label

We now have an official standard: let’s make the most of it. All products wearing the gluten-free label must contain less than 20 ppm gluten by August 1st, 2014. This law covers all foods regulated by the FDA, including vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements. Read on to learn why I feel some recent research may suggest the standard should have been set to a lower amount of gluten.
FDA Sets Official Standard For Gluten-Free Label