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Gluten Intolerance Symptoms

Gluten intolerance is a broad term that can refer to a few different conditions. The first and most commonly considered condition is celiac disease, but it can also refer to non-celiac gluten sensitivity or even a wheat allergy. Having a better understanding of these conditions and what to do about each of them will help you take the right steps towards the path of health and recovery.

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To Screen Or Not To Screen: New Finnish Study Supports Screening For Celiac Disease

Many progressive-minded celiac disease researchers have encouraged serological screening for celiac disease in high risk individuals. In other words, they would like to use blood tests to screen people who have family members diagnosed with celiac disease, even if those people aren’t experiencing any symptoms. This has been somewhat controversial because the evidence is mixed

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Celiac Disease Symptoms

Since celiac disease symptoms occur as a result of consuming gluten, people often categorize celiac disease (CD) as a digestive disorder. But the symptoms are actually the result of an autoimmune disease, and often the most insidious and serious signs aren’t as tangible and immediate as various intestinal discomforts. CD may also manifest itself very differently in different people, so it is difficult to use a checklist of symptoms to identify this condition.

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11 Common Celiac Disease Myths

Despite the growing gluten-free diet craze, many people remain surprisingly uninformed or misinformed when it comes to celiac disease. In this lesson I’ll try to dispel the most common celiac disease myths. Think you know better than to subscribe to these common myths? Jump down to the quiz: Take The Quiz! (I really hope regular

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Celiac Disease Constipation Leads to Celiac Depression?

While the claim that constipation caused by celiac disease can lead to depression may be a little bold there may be some truth to it. One of the celiac disease symptoms for some people is constipation. Depression is another possible consequence of of gluten intolerance, whether it is celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. The connection between the two may not be entirely clear yet, but there are some interesting thoughts on this matter.

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Celiac Depression

Celiac disease can create such a significant change in the biology of the body it’s only natural to question the full effects of these changes, including the psychological effects. Is there a relationship between gluten intolerance and depression? There have been a numbers of studies on this very subject. One of the factors these studies considered is whether or not a gluten-free diet seems to help.

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CNN Covers Celiac Disease

While this video is a few years old now, it does provide a nice summary on celiac disease, including what symptoms can occur and why people with this condition need to avoid all forms of gluten to avoid further consequences. It may be a good video to share with family or friends who still don’t understand this is a serious condition.

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Does Early Vitamin D Deficiency and Intestinal Flora Cause Celiac Disease?

While the only medically accepted treatment for celiac disease is to follow a strict gluten-free diet, new research suggests there are a variety of origins of this condition. Because of this it is important to consider additional or supplemental ways to help treat this condition, and to help rebuild a body damaged by years of consuming gluten.

Read more of Does Early Vitamin D Deficiency and Intestinal Flora Cause Celiac Disease?