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Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pancakes

Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pancakes

Despite tasting like a treat, these gluten-free pumpkin pancakes are relatively healthy. I’ve refined this recipe to include whole grain gluten-free flour and very little starch. With the whole grains, the flax meal and the pumpkin, this is a fun breakfast you don’t have to feel guilty about enjoying with your family.

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Gluten-Free Buckwheat Pancakes

gluten-free buckwheat pancakes

This egg and dairy free recipe for whole grain buckwheat gluten-free pancakes is both tasty and healthy so you don’t have to feel guilty about eating them for breakfast. These pancakes are slightly moist and sweet, thanks to the banana in the recipe; you may even find you don’t need as much syrup on them. They also freeze well so you can enjoy them later.

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