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Gluten-Free Diet Fad?

With the gluten-free product industry expected to surpass 5 billion dollars in profit by 2015, the sirens of commerce have become a big part of the gluten-free diet fad. I suppose it isn’t a surprise that this has become a difficult matter, but I’m afraid many people forget the real suffering endured by people stuck between the marketing hype surrounding the gluten-free diet and the medical reality inherent with gluten intolerance.

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Gluten Intolerance Newsletter

While finding gluten-free products is easier than it used to be, gluten still hides in more places than most people realize. In addition, the breadth of gluten intolerance can be confusing to even the most health savvy people. If supportive lessons, fun recipes and up-to-date health news on celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, gluten intolerance and wheat allergies, sounds good to you, read on to learn more about my free gluten intolerance newsletter.

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Gluten Intolerance Statistics

When you look at the statistics of gluten intolerance, you may be startled to recognize how many people around you probably suffer from some degree of gluten intolerance. It’s clear that gluten sensitivity and celiac disease are widespread, but, sadly, many people who have these conditions don’t even know it. Awareness and diagnosis is improving, but as you can see from these statistics we still have a long way to go.

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Celiac Disease Symptoms In Adults

In many cases celiac disease symptoms in adults can be particular difficult to discern as many adults have slowly become accustomed to subtle discomforts. Among gluten sensitivity issues, celiac disease symptoms remain the most severe and consequential. Unfortunately, they are not always easy to identify or understand. And latent celiac disease may also occur, where the symptoms of celiac disease in adults occur but then fade.

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Gluten Allergy Symptoms In Children

More and more children are being tested and diagnosed with some type of gluten intolerance or wheat allergy. While the problem seems to be growing, or at least the diagnosis is improving, there is a difference between a gluten allergy and celiac disease. Understanding the difference will help you and your pediatrician better help your child if he or she is suffering from symptoms of gluten intolerance.

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Gluten Intolerance And Pregnancy

Gluten intolerance symptoms can impact many areas of your life including pregnancy. Studies have shown there is a correlation between unexplained infertility and celiac disease. There is also a higher rate of miscarriage in women with celiac disease. Don’t let this discourage you though. Many couples impacted by gluten intolerance have had healthy pregnancies and healthy babies. Knowing what you can do to ensure your chances of success is key.

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Your Complete Gluten Free Survival Kit?

So you know you have gluten intolerance. What now? You need a comprehensive Gluten Free Survival Kit. Enjoy a fun gluten-free cookbook, a comprehensive guide, safe and unsafe ingredient lists, a meal planner and more, all with no shipping cost and a 110% money-back guarantee. Read on to understand why I believe everyone embarking on a journey to a gluten-free lifestyle should seriously consider this excellent and comprehensive survival kit.

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Celiac Disease Symptoms In Children

Persevering a condition where the symptoms are triggered by a staple of the western diet is difficult for people of any age, but identifying and diagnosing celiac disease symptoms in children can be particularly difficult and troubling. While I’ve tried to place each of these in the most appropriate age group, the truth is all of these symptoms can occur at any age. For that reason, here is a more conclusive list.

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Celiac Depression

Celiac disease can create such a significant change in the biology of the body it’s only natural to question the full effects of these changes, including the psychological effects. Is there a relationship between gluten intolerance and depression? There have been a numbers of studies on this very subject. One of the factors these studies considered is whether or not a gluten-free diet seems to help.

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Celiac Disease Constipation

Among the most common gluten intolerance symptoms is either diarrhea or constipation along with gas and bloating. Besides being uncomfortable celiac disease constipation isn’t a healthy condition to have for too long. Knowing how to treat this constipation by following a proper diet and eating more of the best foods for constipation can give you a great deal of relief and improve your health.

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