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Helping You Heal and Live Healthy
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Welcome to the Gluten Intolerance School

Wondering if you have a problem with gluten? We’ll help you identify a potential gluten sensitivity and guide you into a fulfilling gluten-free world. Gluten intolerance shouldn’t hold you back from a healthy, happy life. The Gluten Intolerance School offers the clarity and hope you need to move forward with confidence and energy.


Gluten Intolerance Lessons

The lessons are the heart of our School. Find comprehensive yet accessible guides to celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, wheat allergy, autoimmune diseases, food allergies and a healthy gluten-free diet.

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Gluten Intolerance Newsletter

In my free and long-running newsletter, readers receive exclusive lessons, recipes, coupons and little tidbits of wisdom and inspiration to keep them motivated in their journey towards a healthy new gluten-free life.

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Gluten Intolerance Blog

Sarah’s blog provides an area for less formal discussions about health, gluten and the state of the gluten-free foods industry. This is also where newsletter subscribers can discuss the latest lessons or the latest news.

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Most Popular Lessons

What Is Gluten?

Gluten is obviously at the heart of celiac disease, yet most people can’t answer the basic question, what is gluten? I’ll provide you a clear, comprehensive and useful definition and understanding.

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Gluten Intolerance Symptoms

Discover different ways gluten sensitivities manifest themselves in different people, from celiac disease symptoms to wheat allergy symptoms. I will help you appreciate why these distinctions are critical.

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Gluten Intolerance Test

Search the internet and you’ll find all kinds of tests for celiac disease. But which tests are legitimate and which tests will really help you? Discover the different data needed to identify gluten-related conditions.

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Recent Additions

Fight the Fad: 3 Gluten Misconceptions

The gluten-free diet is everywhere. Celebrities promote or attack it, comedians make fun of it, television shows either add token gluten-free characters or just poke fun at it, newspapers and blogs everywhere debate and…
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Four Types of Celiac Disease

Did you know that celiac researchers now believe there are four different types of celiac disease? I find this a little odd because I know of at least one more serious one — non-responsive celiac disease.
Read more: Four Types of Celiac Disease

Did JFK Have Celiac Disease?

John F. Kennedy and celiac disease may seem like incongruous topics, but it appears there may have been a strong connection. Did you know many historians and medical researchers believe former United States…
Read more: Did JFK Have Celiac Disease?