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Gluten-Free Diet

Gluten Free Diet Lessons

Learn how gluten can sneak into your life, and fulfill nutrient requirements previously provided by foods with gluten. I’ll teach you how to regain your health without feeling like you're sacrificing. Eating gluten-free doesn’t feel like a compromise when you know what you’re doing.

Gluten Free Diet Lessons
Learn how gluten can sneak into your life, and fulfill nutrient requirements previously provided by foods with gluten. I’ll teach you how to regain your health without feeling like you're sacrificing. Eating gluten-free doesn’t feel like a compromise when you know what you’re doing.

Gluten Intolerance Symptoms

Gluten intolerance is a broad term that can refer to a few different conditions. The first and most commonly considered condition is celiac disease, but it can also refer to non-celiac gluten sensitivity or even a wheat allergy. Having a better understanding of these conditions and what to do about each of them will help you take the right steps towards the path of health and recovery.

Read more of Gluten Intolerance Symptoms

Is Ice Cream Gluten-Free?

The basic ingredients of ice cream are gluten-free: milk, cream, and sugar, with eggs or a gum (like guar gum or tara gum) added in some cases. If it is a simple, natural ice cream, flavorings like natural vanilla bean and chocolate are also gluten-free. But unfortunately, ice cream ingredients are rarely this simple and natural anymore, and even natural ice creams may contain ingredients with gluten in them, the most obvious that comes to mind is chocolate chip cookie dough. Read on to find some tasty and safe gluten-free ice cream options.

Read more of Is Ice Cream Gluten-Free?

Canker Sores And Gluten

Because people with celiac disease experience canker sores more often than people in the general population, there is a strong statistical association between the two conditions. Is gluten to blame for your pesky canker sores? Discover how gluten relates to these mouth ulcers and what you can do to treat them.

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Celiac Disease and Cancer

Celiac disease is strongly associated with certain forms of cancer. Find out which cancers are involved and what you can do to greatly minimize your risk. The association grows stronger with poor diagnosis and poor treatment. Read on to learn what leads to poor diagnosis and poor treatment and what you can do about it.

Read more of Celiac Disease and Cancer

Gluten Intolerance and Weight Gain

The connection between gluten and weight is a common one. One of the symptoms of gluten intolerance includes weight loss, but weight gain can also be a symptom. For some people the weight gain doesn’t start until they begin a gluten-free diet. While some people adopt a gluten-free diet in an effort to lose weight, others gain weight on a gluten-free diet. What causes this to happen?

Read more of Gluten Intolerance and Weight Gain