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Gluten Intolerance News

Unearthing the latest news can be difficult in an area as broad and nebulous as gluten intolerance, but I’ll try to keep you up-to-date. I’ll cover both the latest research relating to gluten and your health as well as new products and developments in the gluten-free food industry.

Gluten Intolerance News
Unearthing the latest news can be difficult in an area as broad and nebulous as gluten intolerance, but I’ll try to keep you up-to-date. I’ll cover both the latest research relating to gluten and your health as well as new products and developments in the gluten-free food industry.

To Screen Or Not To Screen: New Finnish Study Supports Screening For Celiac Disease

Many progressive-minded celiac disease researchers have encouraged serological screening for celiac disease in high risk individuals. In other words, they would like to use blood tests to screen people who have family members diagnosed with celiac disease, even if those people aren’t experiencing any symptoms. This has been somewhat controversial because the evidence is mixed

Read more of To Screen Or Not To Screen: New Finnish Study Supports Screening For Celiac Disease

More Undiagnosed Celiac Disease In U.S. Than In Europe

A study published in the medical journal BMC Gastroenterology found that on average it takes 9.7 years for a celiac patient to be diagnosed after he or she first experiences symptoms, and 5.8 years after visiting a doctor about those symptoms. According to the Columbia University Medical Center, the U.S. has more cases of undiagnosed celiac disease than Europe because doctors do not prescribe intestinal biopsies enough. No blood panel is 100% accurate; an intestinal biopsy is the only gold standard for celiac disease diagnosis.

Read more of More Undiagnosed Celiac Disease In U.S. Than In Europe

Gluten-Free Diet Fad?

With the gluten-free product industry expected to surpass 5 billion dollars in profit by 2015, the sirens of commerce have become a big part of the gluten-free diet fad. I suppose it isn’t a surprise that this has become a difficult matter, but I’m afraid many people forget the real suffering endured by people stuck between the marketing hype surrounding the gluten-free diet and the medical reality inherent with gluten intolerance.

Read more of Gluten-Free Diet Fad?