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Gluten Intolerance Symptoms

Gluten intolerance is a broad term that can refer to a few different conditions. The first and most commonly considered condition is celiac disease, but it can also refer to non-celiac gluten sensitivity or even a wheat allergy. Having a better understanding of these conditions and what to do about each of them will help you take the right steps towards the path of health and recovery.

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Gluten Ataxia

If you have sporadic ataxia, there’s a possibility that you could be suffering from gluten ataxia. Sporadic ataxia is ataxia that does not have a genetic or other known cause. More often than not, sporadic ataxia turns out to have a link to gluten intolerance. Fortunately there is treatment available. In this article we’ll define gluten ataxia, how it’s diagnosed, and how it relates to celiac disease symptoms.

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To Screen Or Not To Screen: New Finnish Study Supports Screening For Celiac Disease

Many progressive-minded celiac disease researchers have encouraged serological screening for celiac disease in high risk individuals. In other words, they would like to use blood tests to screen people who have family members diagnosed with celiac disease, even if those people aren’t experiencing any symptoms. This has been somewhat controversial because the evidence is mixed

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Gluten Intolerance and Weight Gain

The connection between gluten and weight is a common one. One of the symptoms of gluten intolerance includes weight loss, but weight gain can also be a symptom. For some people the weight gain doesn’t start until they begin a gluten-free diet. While some people adopt a gluten-free diet in an effort to lose weight, others gain weight on a gluten-free diet. What causes this to happen?

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Gluten Intolerance Test

One of the first steps in testing for gluten intolerance should include a blood test to look for raised antibodies and other biomarkers to determine if the patient has celiac disease. Keep in mind a negative blood test doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have a gluten intolerance of some kind. There are many things to consider both before and after testing.

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Celiac Disease Symptoms Too Often Go Undiagnosed

In a modern, civilized society it is remarkable and confusing how often a serious disease goes unidentified and undiagnosed by medical doctors. Around one in 100 people suffer from celiac disease symptoms, yet a vast majority of those individuals don’t even know it. Sadly, a large number of these individuals have consulted their doctors to discuss symptoms they have been experiencing, yet they leave either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.

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