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Celiac Disease Symptoms Checklist

Delineating whether you are suffering from wheat allergy symptoms or gluten allergy symptoms or celiac disease will be up to your doctor, but this celiac disease symptoms checklist should at least help you understand if celiac disease is a real possibility and then help your doctor better understand why you should be tested. Once you know your condition, you can improve your health and quality of life with the proper treatment.

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Gluten Intolerance Test

One of the first steps in testing for gluten intolerance should include a blood test to look for raised antibodies and other biomarkers to determine if the patient has celiac disease. Keep in mind a negative blood test doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have a gluten intolerance of some kind. There are many things to consider both before and after testing.

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Celiac Disease Symptoms In Children

Persevering a condition where the symptoms are triggered by a staple of the western diet is difficult for people of any age, but identifying and diagnosing celiac disease symptoms in children can be particularly difficult and troubling. While I’ve tried to place each of these in the most appropriate age group, the truth is all of these symptoms can occur at any age. For that reason, here is a more conclusive list.

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