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Helping You Heal and Live Healthy
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Digestive Health

Digest Health Lessons

While the Gluten Intolerance School isn't a recipe site, I can't help but share some of my favorites. I try to mix up my recipes, from creative dishes to practical, affordable dishes, from health-minded healing foods to sumptuous desserts meant to soothe your soul. I hope you find something you enjoy!

Digest Health Lessons
While the Gluten Intolerance School isn't a recipe site, I can't help but share some of my favorites. I try to mix up my recipes, from creative dishes to practical, affordable dishes, from health-minded healing foods to sumptuous desserts meant to soothe your soul. I hope you find something you enjoy!

Gluten Intolerance Symptoms

Gluten intolerance is a broad term that can refer to a few different conditions. The first and most commonly considered condition is celiac disease, but it can also refer to non-celiac gluten sensitivity or even a wheat allergy. Having a better understanding of these conditions and what to do about each of them will help you take the right steps towards the path of health and recovery.

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Oral Allergy Syndrome

You still hurt when you eat. Your tongue swells, your throat tightens and the tell-tale churn and burn of the same old acid reflux welcomes you to yet another painful meal. “But all the tests were negative,” you might think. Or you might plead, “But I’m confident I’ve cut gluten from my life, and this

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Low Ferritin Symptoms

One of the early ways to diagnose symptoms of celiac disease is from a deficiency in minerals, like iron, absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal wall where celiac disease impacts the gastrointestinal tract. An iron deficiency can lead to anemia so it’s important to know how to detect low ferritin symptoms and what you can do about low ferritin levels.

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Celiac Disease Symptoms

Since celiac disease symptoms occur as a result of consuming gluten, people often categorize celiac disease (CD) as a digestive disorder. But the symptoms are actually the result of an autoimmune disease, and often the most insidious and serious signs aren’t as tangible and immediate as various intestinal discomforts. CD may also manifest itself very differently in different people, so it is difficult to use a checklist of symptoms to identify this condition.

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10 Reasons I Frown On Fructose

In this lesson, I’ll focus on two pervasive ingredients behind our collective declining health: sucrose and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). With this lesson you will discover why you should be concerned about excess fructose consumption, and how it directly relates to the health of your digestive tract if you have gluten intolerance or an

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