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Helping You Heal and Live Healthy
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Digestive Health

Digest Health Lessons

While the Gluten Intolerance School isn't a recipe site, I can't help but share some of my favorites. I try to mix up my recipes, from creative dishes to practical, affordable dishes, from health-minded healing foods to sumptuous desserts meant to soothe your soul. I hope you find something you enjoy!

Digest Health Lessons
While the Gluten Intolerance School isn't a recipe site, I can't help but share some of my favorites. I try to mix up my recipes, from creative dishes to practical, affordable dishes, from health-minded healing foods to sumptuous desserts meant to soothe your soul. I hope you find something you enjoy!

Gluten In Oats

If you’re confused and frustrated about whether or not you can eat oats on a gluten-free diet, I understand. It is not a simple topic, and there are few cut and dry right or wrong answers. I’ll try to provide some clarity on this confusing and often controversial topic. Do Oats Contain Gluten? In the

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The Most Common Food Allergies

Because many people confuse a food intolerance with a food allergy, the perception is that food allergies are more common than they are. About 5% of children and 4% of teens and adults suffer from a real food allergy. The most common food allergies are caused by eight seemingly simple foods. Sadly, these eight foods can cause a severe and immediate reaction for people who are allergic to them.

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Anti Candida Diet

One natural way to treat an overgrowth of Candida and the uncomfortable symptoms that go along with it is with an anti Candida diet. By adding certain healthy foods to your diet and, even more importantly, restricting specific foods you may be able to reduce the growth of this bacteria and help re-establish healthy levels of bacteria in your intestinal tract.

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Gluten Intolerance Bloating

For some people seemingly simple foods can cause bloating. This bloating can be very uncomfortable and if it happens on a regular basis it may also be a sign of a more serious condition. Celiac disease is no simple matter and should be properly diagnosed before you continue eating foods with gluten. While bloating may seem like a small price to pay for eating your favorite sandwich, you may pay a larger price later if you aren’t careful.

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Chronic Inflammation Treatment

An integral part of any good health routine involves understanding chronic inflammation. The more researchers and doctors understand about the human body, the more inflammation reveals itself as the culprit behind many diseases and conditions. Chronic inflammation throughout the body is so complex and persistent it requires a comprehensive approach to thwart it. Luckily there are a variety of things you can do to reduce your risk of chronic inflammation.

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Symptoms of Candida

Candida is a type of fungus that naturally occurs in certain areas of our bodies. When it is in check, candida doesn’t cause any problems, but when it starts to grow and get out of control it can cause some uncomfortable candida symptoms. There are a few different things that can cause an overgrowth of candida. One of these causes is sometimes related to the complications of gluten intolerance.

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Herbal Remedies for Constipation

Using herbal remedies for constipation can be an effective solution to your discomfort and they may be a preferred option to an over-the-counter laxative, however it is still important to understand what is causing the constipation if it is occurring on a regular basis. That said here are some of the most common and effective herbs or herbal blends used to help relieve constipation.

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