I find that herbal remedies for constipation can be an effective alternative to using a laxative, however, it is important to know what is causing the constipation in the first place before you use an herbal remedy of any kind. Herbal remedies for constipationshould be used with caution and with an understanding of how they work.

Many people feel that because herbs are natural they do not cause side effects. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Some herbs are actually quite powerful and you should not use an herbal remedy for constipation without knowing a bit about the actual herb you are planning to use. It is also good to know if the herbs you are planning to use may have any contraindications with other prescription medication you may be taking.
Gluten Intolerance and Gluten Allergy Symptoms
If you are suffering from gluten intolerance symptoms keep in mind herbal remedies for constipation are no substitute for a strict gluten-free diet. While an herbal remedy might make you feel better temporarily, it is very important to understand what is causing your constipation in the first place if you want to find a long term cure.
While gluten allergy symptoms can vary as there are different kinds of intolerance and some are more severe than others, if you have any abdominal distention, pain or other symptoms besides just constipation, it may be wise to see your doctor as you may be experiencing celiac disease constipation. Don’t diagnose yourself, but if you think it is a possibility, discuss the matter with your doctor right away. It might also help for you to better understand gluten itself: What Is Gluten?
Going on a gluten-free diet can be challenging and expensive. While it may be tempting at times don’t eat too many processed gluten-free foods lacking fiber and other nutrients as this can just make matters worse.
Herbs For Constipation
There are a few different herbs or herbal blends that can help relieve constipation. Here are some of the most common:
- Psyllium Husk is an insoluble fiber that helps provide bulk to the stool and clean the colon. It is probably one of the most commonly used remedies for constipation and bowel regularity.
- Triphala is an Ayurvedic herbal blend that can help improve muscle function in the colon and help the waste move through this area more efficiently.
- Dandelion and Yellow Dock both stimulate bile production and work as a mild laxative.
- Black Walnut works as a mild laxative that also helps improve regularity.
- Marshmallow and Slippery Elm help lubricate the colon to reduce friction making elimination easier.
- Rhubarb Root can help encourage more frequent bowel movements.
If you choose to use an herbal remedy make sure you don’t overuse any herb or herbal blend as this can cause unpleasant side effects. Also, if you notice any side effects you should stop using the herbal therapy and instead either try a different herbal remedy or different treatment altogether.
Other Natural Remedies For Constipation
Herbal remedies for constipation can be very effective, but there are some other supplements you should consider adding to your diet as well.
- Ground flax seeds and flax oil can provide constipation relief. Ground flax seeds add insoluble fiber and flax oil softens the stool making it easier to pass. This is also a good way to add omega-3 fatty acids to your diet.
- Magnesium helps bring water into the bowel, which softens the stool. It can also act as a mild laxative.
- Probiotics help improve overall intestinal health
- Enzymes help aid in digestion
The good news in all of this is that constipation is not all that hard to treat without laxatives. You can find a natural remedy for constipation that works with your body to help your bowels work more productively. Besides herbs, there are also many other natural remedies for constipation such as regular exercise and drinking more water. Eating lots of fruit, vegetables and other foods for constipation is also important if you want to prevent constipation. For best results blend a healthy lifestyle — including exercise, plenty of water and a high fiber diet — with herbs when needed.
Finding a safe and effective way to relieve constipation is important. Not only is it uncomfortable, but long term constipation can cause other health problems. Using herbal remedies for constipation is one way to get relief from this uncomfortable condition.