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Gluten Ataxia

If you have sporadic ataxia, there’s a possibility that you could be suffering from gluten ataxia. Sporadic ataxia is ataxia that does not have a genetic or other known cause. More often than not, sporadic ataxia turns out to have a link to gluten intolerance. Fortunately there is treatment available. In this article we’ll define gluten ataxia, how it’s diagnosed, and how it relates to celiac disease symptoms.

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Silent Celiac Disease Symptoms

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder which impacts the small intestines and can eventually lead to the inability to absorb essential nutrients. Nearly 1 in every 100 people in the United States suffers from symptoms of this condition. The troubling thing is that celiac disease can be life threatening in some instances. Silent celiac disease is particularly troubling because it can exist without any of the common traditional symptoms.

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Gluten Intolerance and Weight Gain

The connection between gluten and weight is a common one. One of the symptoms of gluten intolerance includes weight loss, but weight gain can also be a symptom. For some people the weight gain doesn’t start until they begin a gluten-free diet. While some people adopt a gluten-free diet in an effort to lose weight, others gain weight on a gluten-free diet. What causes this to happen?

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Gluten Intolerance In Children

Sadly, many parents are not even aware that their child has gluten intolerance until the symptoms become more noticeable and severe. If gluten intolerance in children isn’t treated, it can turn serious and cause more stressful symptoms during adolescence and into adulthood. The symptoms are not always easy to diagnose so it is important to be vigilant and watch for all of these symptoms.

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