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Celiac Disease Symptoms

Since celiac disease symptoms occur as a result of consuming gluten, people often categorize celiac disease (CD) as a digestive disorder. But the symptoms are actually the result of an autoimmune disease, and often the most insidious and serious signs aren’t as tangible and immediate as various intestinal discomforts. CD may also manifest itself very differently in different people, so it is difficult to use a checklist of symptoms to identify this condition.

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Gluten Is Not Just A Single Protein

Gluten is often referred to as a protein in wheat. However, gluten is not a single protein. This isn’t just being pedantic; there are reasons it is important to understand how gluten is a protein composite and not just a single, simple protein. Read on to learn what proteins constitute gluten and why it is important to better understand the frustrating sticky substance known simply as gluten.

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Gluten Intolerance Bloating

For some people seemingly simple foods can cause bloating. This bloating can be very uncomfortable and if it happens on a regular basis it may also be a sign of a more serious condition. Celiac disease is no simple matter and should be properly diagnosed before you continue eating foods with gluten. While bloating may seem like a small price to pay for eating your favorite sandwich, you may pay a larger price later if you aren’t careful.

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Celiac Disease Symptoms Too Often Go Undiagnosed

In a modern, civilized society it is remarkable and confusing how often a serious disease goes unidentified and undiagnosed by medical doctors. Around one in 100 people suffer from celiac disease symptoms, yet a vast majority of those individuals don’t even know it. Sadly, a large number of these individuals have consulted their doctors to discuss symptoms they have been experiencing, yet they leave either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.

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