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Silent Celiac Disease Symptoms

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder which impacts the small intestines and can eventually lead to the inability to absorb essential nutrients. Nearly 1 in every 100 people in the United States suffers from symptoms of this condition. The troubling thing is that celiac disease can be life threatening in some instances. Silent celiac disease is particularly troubling because it can exist without any of the common traditional symptoms.

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Celiac Disease And Dental Health

In cases of silent celiac disease, sometimes your dentist may be the one to discover and diagnose your long-suffering condition. Two common celiac symptoms, or conditions closely associated with celiac disease, include defects with your dental enamel and chronic, recurring canker sores. Both non-celiac gluten sensitivity and celiac disease can manifest symptoms and ailments well

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More Undiagnosed Celiac Disease In U.S. Than In Europe

A study published in the medical journal BMC Gastroenterology found that on average it takes 9.7 years for a celiac patient to be diagnosed after he or she first experiences symptoms, and 5.8 years after visiting a doctor about those symptoms. According to the Columbia University Medical Center, the U.S. has more cases of undiagnosed celiac disease than Europe because doctors do not prescribe intestinal biopsies enough. No blood panel is 100% accurate; an intestinal biopsy is the only gold standard for celiac disease diagnosis.

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Celiac Disease Symptoms

Since celiac disease symptoms occur as a result of consuming gluten, people often categorize celiac disease (CD) as a digestive disorder. But the symptoms are actually the result of an autoimmune disease, and often the most insidious and serious signs aren’t as tangible and immediate as various intestinal discomforts. CD may also manifest itself very differently in different people, so it is difficult to use a checklist of symptoms to identify this condition.

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11 Common Celiac Disease Myths

Despite the growing gluten-free diet craze, many people remain surprisingly uninformed or misinformed when it comes to celiac disease. In this lesson I’ll try to dispel the most common celiac disease myths. Think you know better than to subscribe to these common myths? Jump down to the quiz: Take The Quiz! (I really hope regular

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