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Celiac Disease Symptoms

Since celiac disease symptoms occur as a result of consuming gluten, people often categorize celiac disease (CD) as a digestive disorder. But the symptoms are actually the result of an autoimmune disease, and often the most insidious and serious signs aren’t as tangible and immediate as various intestinal discomforts. CD may also manifest itself very differently in different people, so it is difficult to use a checklist of symptoms to identify this condition.

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Celiac Disease Constipation Leads to Celiac Depression?

While the claim that constipation caused by celiac disease can lead to depression may be a little bold there may be some truth to it. One of the celiac disease symptoms for some people is constipation. Depression is another possible consequence of of gluten intolerance, whether it is celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. The connection between the two may not be entirely clear yet, but there are some interesting thoughts on this matter.

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Celiac Disease Constipation

Among the most common gluten intolerance symptoms is either diarrhea or constipation along with gas and bloating. Besides being uncomfortable celiac disease constipation isn’t a healthy condition to have for too long. Knowing how to treat this constipation by following a proper diet and eating more of the best foods for constipation can give you a great deal of relief and improve your health.

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