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Helping You Heal and Live Healthy
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Gluten Intolerance News

Unearthing the latest news can be difficult in an area as broad and nebulous as gluten intolerance, but I’ll try to keep you up-to-date. I’ll cover both the latest research relating to gluten and your health as well as new products and developments in the gluten-free food industry.

Gluten Intolerance News
Unearthing the latest news can be difficult in an area as broad and nebulous as gluten intolerance, but I’ll try to keep you up-to-date. I’ll cover both the latest research relating to gluten and your health as well as new products and developments in the gluten-free food industry.

Gluten Intolerance Statistics

When you look at the statistics of gluten intolerance, you may be startled to recognize how many people around you probably suffer from some degree of gluten intolerance. It’s clear that gluten sensitivity and celiac disease are widespread, but, sadly, many people who have these conditions don’t even know it. Awareness and diagnosis is improving, but as you can see from these statistics we still have a long way to go.

Read more of Gluten Intolerance Statistics

Celiac Disease Symptoms Too Often Go Undiagnosed

In a modern, civilized society it is remarkable and confusing how often a serious disease goes unidentified and undiagnosed by medical doctors. Around one in 100 people suffer from celiac disease symptoms, yet a vast majority of those individuals don’t even know it. Sadly, a large number of these individuals have consulted their doctors to discuss symptoms they have been experiencing, yet they leave either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.

Read more of Celiac Disease Symptoms Too Often Go Undiagnosed