(While this video is no longer available, I still think you might find the following discussion about it useful.)
This video features Dr. Alessio Fasano, a GI specialist and expert in celiac disease research at the University of Maryland.
The beginning of this video discusses how genetics play a big role in whether or not you are at a higher risk of contracting certain diseases. This includes autoimmune diseases, like celiac disease. Genes are only one part of the equation, however, as there is also an environmental trigger involved. The video goes into detail about these triggers and how even sometimes nutrients can be a trigger.
He then moves on to a more specific discussion about celiac disease and how it is a model for studying other autoimmune diseases because the trigger for this autoimmune disease (gluten) is well known. He then discusses the autoimmune reaction that occurs when someone with celiac disease eats any type of foods that contain gluten. This helps provide an explanation of what occurs in the body and why so many symptoms can occur.
The video goes into the most common symptoms and they discuss why diagnosis can be difficult, because the symptoms are common in so many other health conditions. He says diagnosis can sometimes take up to 12 years because of this. Read more about this at: Celiac Disease Symptoms Often Undiagnosed
However, once a patient starts a gluten-free diet symptoms will generally subside rather quickly.
He discusses specific concerns of diagnosing celiac disease in children as well as symptoms specific to children. He talks about how celiac disease is a life long condition that children will not outgrow, but he also mentions that some people don’t develop it until later in life.
I like how he provides a good explanation of how celiac disease differs from a food allergy. I don’t see this discussed much in other videos.
He also talks about some of the research being done on medications to treat celiac disease. Nothing is available yet, but he seems positive about the potential advancements in this area of research.
Towards the end of the video he talks about how there are other environmental triggers besides the genes and the exposure to gluten. It seems likely that there is a bacteria involved as well.
Overall this is a good video from a well-respected expert in the field of celiac disease.