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Realities Of Living Gluten-Free, With Cheryl Harris

These two videos talk about living gluten-free and about the challenges of a gluten-free diet. I think it’s good to hear a few different perspectives on this as you can learn new things every time you listen to someone new discuss these topics.

As Lara Field discusses in her video, one of the important things to remember is that a wide variety of foods are naturally gluten-free. This video goes into a little more detail about naturally gluten-free foods as well as some of the specific gluten-free grains. She specifically notes the benefits of quinoa because it is a complete protein and a good source of fiber.

While eating too many processed or pre-made gluten-free foods may not be healthy, she talks about how sometimes it can be more comfortable for social situations. For example choosing a coffee house that has a gluten-free option for a social outing can help make the outing more enjoyable and help you feel less excluded.

She explains how important it is to work with a professional as you are learning how to change to a gluten-free lifestyle. It is easy to make little mistakes, especially in the beginning. It can also be difficult to adapt to family or social situations, as some people won’t fully understand why you have to avoid common foods or old favorites served at these social events; a professional may be able to help you with some of these situations.

She also explains how important it is not to cheat if you have celiac disease or a non celiac gluten sensitivity, because there are potentially dangerous consequences of not following this diet properly.

The second video discusses the challenges of a gluten-free diet. This type of diet can be especially challenging because wheat and more specifically gluten are found in so many products these days.

This makes it important to learn about labeling as well as how to read labels. While she explains how wheat has to be listed on labels because it is a common allergen, she has a slightly different perspective on labeling than what is discussed in the beginning of Suzanne Simpson’s video. Keep in mind labeling laws are slowly evolving.

She also addresses the fact that just because something is gluten-free doesn’t mean it is healthy. Unfortunately early foods and even many current foods that are labeled as gluten-free are made with refined flours and starches that are devoid of nutrients, high in calories and they have a high glycemic index. While this is improving, even since the filming of this video, it is important to look at the nutrient content and fiber content of the foods and gluten-free flour mixes you choose. Choosing unhealthy gluten-free foods and flours can lead to nutrient deficiencies, weight gain and other health problems.

She also discusses how many of our traditional foods are fortified with things like folate and iron. In contrast, many gluten-free foods are not fortified because they are considered specialty foods. While this is changing and you can find more fortified gluten-free products, this isn’t the standard. This isn’t discussed in the video but you should consider taking a gluten-free multivitamin to ensure you are getting a base level of nutrients on a daily basis, but also make sure you are getting as many nutrients as possible from your food.