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Gluten Intolerance Statistics

When you look at the statistics of gluten intolerance, you may be startled to recognize how many people around you probably suffer from some degree of gluten intolerance. It’s clear that gluten sensitivity and celiac disease are widespread, but, sadly, many people who have these conditions don’t even know it. Awareness and diagnosis is improving, but as you can see from these statistics we still have a long way to go.

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Gluten Intolerance Vocabulary

You are not alone if you are confused by the vocabulary used in the gluten intolerance discussion. There are over a dozen different terms used interchangeably to represent three different conditions, and most people don’t even realize that there are three distinct conditions under the gluten intolerance umbrella. Having a better understanding of the terminology can help empower you on your quest for better health.

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Gluten Allergy Symptoms In Children

More and more children are being tested and diagnosed with some type of gluten intolerance or wheat allergy. While the problem seems to be growing, or at least the diagnosis is improving, there is a difference between a gluten allergy and celiac disease. Understanding the difference will help you and your pediatrician better help your child if he or she is suffering from symptoms of gluten intolerance.

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Gluten Intolerance And Pregnancy

Gluten intolerance symptoms can impact many areas of your life including pregnancy. Studies have shown there is a correlation between unexplained infertility and celiac disease. There is also a higher rate of miscarriage in women with celiac disease. Don’t let this discourage you though. Many couples impacted by gluten intolerance have had healthy pregnancies and healthy babies. Knowing what you can do to ensure your chances of success is key.

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Gluten Allergy Definition

The term gluten allergy is deceptive and somewhat meaningless, but I will try to provide a gluten allergy definition that will help people better understand the conditions typically related to this term. If you are familiar with my approach or my site you may know I have a problem with a couple of terms used when referring to this sensitive and complicated issue.

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Dermatitis Herpetiformis

Dermatitis herpetiformis symptoms can include patches of small red or pink blisters and itching on certain areas of skin. DH is one of the more tangible and visible of the possible gluten intolerance symptoms, but there can be other causes of this skin condition. To determine if gluten intolerance is the cause of your outbreaks consider getting tested for gluten intolerance. Luckily there are some effective treatment options available.

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